Ministries at Calvary Laramie


Going Deeper Small Group Ministry

Our weekly small group ministry, called “Going Deeper”, is designed to allow time to discuss and take a deeper look at Sunday’s sermon. A study guide is provided each week.

Check out the sermons page for this week’s study guide.

Men’s Ministry

Our Men’s Ministry seeks to build leaders in the likeness of Jesus Christ. Through Bible study and fellowship, we sharpen and encourage one another so that we are prepared to lead our homes, our church, and our community. Men’s Bible study is offered on a rotating schedule. Check out the Events Page for more information about upcoming events.


Women’s Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry is an active group! We have many events, but the most important things we do are study the Bible, encourage one another, and fellowship together. Women’s Bible study is offered on a rotating schedule. Check out the Events Page for more information about upcoming events.


Children’s ministry

Our Children’s ministry meets every week during our Sunday Service. Children will be dismissed to age appropriate classrooms after the worship portion of Sunday service. We offer three levels of children’s ministries:

  • Nursery

  • Tykes (ages 3-5)

  • ARMY - Anointed, Redeemed, Mighty Youth - Class (for children who can read and up)


Our congregation supports One-Way Evangelistic Ministries, a Cheyenne-based missions organization seeking to share the Gospel both domestically and internationally.